Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Walker? A blog? No way...


As I am beginning to ready myself for my heavily anticipated leap from collegiate fishing into the vast, taxing world of professional fishing, I have decided to start a blog. Crazy, huh?  Who would have thought that Walker Smith would create a blog?  Those who know me are well aware of my undying love and respect of the outdoors, especially fishing.  So why not write about it?  I love to talk about anything fishing-related, and I enjoy writing, so it only makes sense that I follow my passion.  I look forward to providing intriguing, real-world insight to the widely misunderstood world of fishing.

The purpose of this blog will not be to glorify myself, but to rather give everyone an insight into the world of competitive fishing and to share any useful tips and recommendations I may acquire along the way.  This may include entries regarding interesting or funny happenings throughout my tournaments, commentary on various topics within the sport, or useful information that will help you catch more fish.  Whatever the topic may be, I will do my very best to accurately articulate my experiences and knowledge in a useful, and (hopefully) entertaining way! 

I welcome questions and comments as well!  If you would like to see an entry or one of my outside articles written on a particular subject, feel free to let me know.

I will try my hardest to update my page as much as possible, but keep in mind – I’m a full-time college student and a fisherman, so sometimes time is limited!  I encourage everyone to check back often, and I look forward to getting the ball rolling and talking some fishing soon. 

I truly appreciate everyone reading, it really means a lot to me!  God bless.